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發布時間: 2021-03-02 13:06:44

❶ 這座城市白天的時候人流量絡繹不絕,晚上空盪盪的。這句話怎麼翻譯成英文


At the day time, this city is crowded while it is empty at the night.

❷ 英語翻譯



❸ 店面人流量大,實際消費少英語怎麼寫

翻譯為 : The people in the store have a large flow of traffic, but the actual consumption is less.

❹ 英語翻譯 1.人流量大 2.解決溫飽

big person flow
provide adequate food and clothing

❺ 人流量用英文怎麼說

pedestrian volume

❻ 翻譯英文...高手出手啊!~~

活動方案七(Activity program seven)
活動主題:守護永恆的愛(Topic Activity: Guardian of the timeless love)
(Activity Time: February 14, 2010 4:30 pm to 6:30)
活動目的:通過舉行小型獎品活動,帶動更多市民,提升商城人氣。(Activity Objective: activity by holding a small prize to stimulate more people to enhance the popular mall.)
活動宣傳:通過正門,側門的大海報宣傳.在開始前半小時和前十五分鍾,開廣播提示顧客。(Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers.)
暫定內容:四人同時參加,將汽球綁在參賽人員的腳上,誰的汽球先被踩完為負方。如參加人數較多,每個活動可多進行幾組。(Tentative content: four at the same time attend to tie balloons at participating personnel feet, who was first step of the balloons after a negative side. Such as a large number take part in each activity can be carried out several sets of many.)
活動工作人員:穎寶廣場部總負責,需工作人員10名。(Activity staff: Ying Po Plaza Branch Chief responsible for the staff to be 10. )
經費預算:獎品為玫瑰花。約需玫瑰花二百朵,總額約需RMB 200元。(Budget: prizes for the roses. About 200 roses, a total of $ about RMB 200.)

(Activity program eight
Activity theme: speak! Say you love me!
Activity Time: February 14, 2010 full-day
Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall, first floor, publicity boards
Activity Objective: To increase the flow of people to enhance the popular mall.
Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign.
Tentative content: by the love of men and women in a warm romantic love to write their own message board above the blessings of the lovers and the hope for love. More default message boards at a number of romantic confession of the truth, watching the people can refer to, or used, communicated to his sweetheart. Advertisements will be placed at the first floor to have been March 14.
Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for the Information Ministry, the implementation of activity do not need separate staff.
Budget: the need Guestbook Version 2, about 100 yuan.

Activity program nine
Subject Events: personally send you mind
Activity Time: February 14, 2010 am 9:00 - 9:00 at night.
Activity Venue: Ying Bao Mall next to the negative two-story atrium Desk
Activity Objective: free teaching activity, increase popular mall.
Events publicity: through the main entrance, the side of the big poster campaign. At the beginning of the first half-hour and 15 minutes ago, the broadcast prompted customers. And in the activity before beginning to distribute a small amount of finished procts, attract customers.
Tentative content: If you think that money bought roses too shallow, the activity on the most suitable to you. Mall negative two-story atrium adjacent to手把手教study has a help desk. Guests can receive a free paper, there is guidance on how special origami roses. Can experience the pleasure of personally folded Rose At the same time, put their mind to the other half of it!
Activity staff: Ying Bao plaza overall responsibility for Public Relations, the activity need to send a lecturer and two counseling staff.
Budget: Please lecturer about RMB500 million.)

❼ 展會上人流量不多怎麼用英語表達


❽ 有誰知道光地,展位,客流量,人流量,加蓋公章 的英文怎麼說啊

光地:blank place 展位:exhibition site 客流量:number of customers 人流量:number of people 加蓋公章:to use official seals

❾ (展會)日高峰人流量1.6萬人次 英語怎麼說

daily peak volume of 16,000 visitors

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