⑴ 大家ROS的VPN速度如何
⑶ 宽带网速检测软件哪个好用
你问题里面的M,看清楚了,不是M,是K/s,你说的“下载时最高时600M/s,最低只有100多M/s ”,每秒600M还得了?按你的说法,你下载个win8只要5秒钟,那就神了。
⑷ 新手学习ROS想买台整机学习测试用,请大家帮忙推荐下,买什么好, 要L6的,谢谢~
⑸ 准备换ROS3.30 先来发帖求助一下带宽测试的问题!!!
进光猫里面就能看到线路速率了!和AD猫类型一样 一般都为1 或者 0网关!
⑹ 用ros怎么知道出口的实际网速。还有,听说ros的1000k=1M是这样吗
下面的都可以: 802.11a/b/g wireless cards 型号-》接口-》平台(Rosboard 软路由 还是全部)-》ROS版本-》兼容说明。 RouterBOARD R52 [93] miniPCI ALL ALL Natively supported! RouterBOARD R52H [94] miniPCI ALL ALL Natively supported! TechnicLanTMP-5414A miniPCI All RouterBOARDs 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable CompexWLM54AG-20 miniPCI RB1xx / RB3xx / RB4xx / RB5xx / RB6xx / x86 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable CompexWLM54A-26 miniPCI RB1xx / RB3xx / RB4xx / RB5xx / RB6xx / x86 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable SparkLAN WMIA-165G miniPCI RB1xx / RB3xx / RB4xx / RB5xx / RB6xx / x86 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable SparkLAN WMIA-166AG miniPCI RB1xx / RB3xx / RB4xx / RB5xx / RB6xx / x86 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable SparkLAN WMIA-166AGH miniPCI RB1xx / RB3xx / RB4xx / RB5xx / RB6xx / x86 2.9 / 3.x / 4.x Perfect, Stable Alfa AWPCI 085 H miniPCI RB1xx/RB333/RB4xx/x86 2.9&3.x All just perfect TP-Link TL-WN550/551 PCI x86 2.9&3.x Perfect 19dB rated, stable at 21 TP-Link TL-WN650/651 PCI x86 2.9&3.x Perfect 19dB rated, stable at 21. Unstable with compression activated D-Link AG530 a/b/g (both rev.A1 and A2) PCI x86 2.9&3.x Perfect. Works perfect, in both 2.4 and 5.x GHz D-Link DWL-G510 PCI x86 only 2.9.x tested Perfect. Tested Rev A1 D-Link DWL-G520 PCI x86 2.9.x & 3.x Works well. D-Link DWL-G520+A/RaLink 2591 Chipset PCI x86 4.9 NOT Work! Gigabyte b/g GN-WI01GT miniPCI-e x86 3.x Works also in RouterBOARDs with miniPCI-e slot Senao NL-2511CD EXT2 PCMCIA x86&rb230 only 2.9x tested Perfect. Just about the most sensitive card i used, in the good sense. Only 11b. Planet WL-8310 PCI x86 only 2.9.x tested Perfect. Stability. Netgear WG311T 108 PCI x86 only 2.9x tested Perfect. stability SMC SMCWPCIT-G PCI x86 3.x tested Perfect on A/B/G. Wistron DCMA-81 miniPCI x86,rb 2.9.xx, 3.xx Perfect on A/B/G with or without compression. Wistron DCMA-82 miniPCI rb 3.xx Works on some RB, but on 2/3 of my RB433 it causes the board to reboot when enabled. Many other people have had similar experiences. Not recommended. Maybe OK on 133 Senao NMP-8602 miniPCI x86&rb411 2.9x,3.x tested Perfect on a/b/g Dbii F20 miniPCI RB411 & RB433 3.x tested Perfect on B/G, too thick for 3 in rb433 Dbii F50 miniPCI RB411 & RB433 3.x tested Perfect on A, too thick for 3 in rb433 Dbii F20-PRO miniPCI RB411 & RB433 3.x tested Perfect on B/G, too thick for 3 in rb433 Dbii F50-PRO miniPCI RB411 & RB433 3.x tested Perfect on A, too thick for 3 in rb433 TP-Link TL-WN751ND] PCI x86 v5.xx, v6.xx Not Working! XR2 miniPCI RB433 3.x works XR5 miniPCI RB433, x86 3.x works SR9 miniPCI RB433 3.x works SR9 miniPCI RB411 & RB433 3.x works ValemountKXS30SG miniPCI RB433 3.2 & 4.2 tested B/G only, no A. Big heat sink means card should be installed on highest mount when other cards being used. High power consumption can cause power problems, otherwise works perfectly. Zcomax XG-650 miniPCI RB112 & RB433 4.2 & 4.6 Not working (driver doesnt work / exist). It has a TI TNETW1130GVF chipset. AR5BMB5 miniPCI RB411,x86 3.xx, 4.3 Not working. Atheros chipset. 802.11n wireless cards Model Form factor ROSResult RouterBOARD R2N miniPCI 4.0b3 works RouterBOARD R52N miniPCI 4.0b3 works RouterBOARD R5H miniPCI v4 works SparkLAN WMIA-198N miniPCI 4x, 5x Works Compex WLM200N5-23 miniPCI 4.0b3 Works Compex WLM200NX miniPCI 4.0b3 Works Dbii F52N-PRO miniPCI 5.1 Works TP-Link Wireless N (2T2R) miniPCI 4.0b3 Works Ubiquiti miniPCI 4.0b3 Works Ubiquiti miniPCI 4.0b3 Works
⑻ 我使用了一台ros,现找两款86型wifi面板,一款支持poe输入一款直接接电源。测试TP-Link TL-AP450I不支持
⑼ 用ROS的winbox 查看网速
tools -> torch -> interface(选择内网网卡LAN) -> src.address(内网网段192.168.1.0/24) -> start
/tool torch E1-LAN src-address=
⑽ ROS路由下载测速问题