㈠ “这个电影的名字叫移动迷宫二”的英文
您好,移动迷宫在下方,提取时输入正确密码即可。 这是楼主要的资源(请及时下载,以防止失效哦) 密码:gumn 下载后,按照提示操作,即可观看! 还望及时采纳,谢谢! PS:您想知道的看完就能找到答案!
㈡ 移动迷宫的英语影评
The Maze Runner is the first book in a young-alt post-apocalyptic science fiction trilogy ofthe same name by James Dashner.The novel was published October 2009 by Delacorte Press,an imprint of Random House and is being made into a 2014 major motion picture by 20thCentury Fox. The novel spawned two sequels: The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.
影片改编自詹姆斯·达什纳撰写的同名反乌托邦科幻小说三部曲的第一本。讲述了一个叫托马斯的男孩在电梯中醒来,他发现自己失忆了,除了名字什么都记不得。当电梯打开,他来到了一个陌生的地方“林间空地”( TheGlade)。这里四周被高大的石头墙包围着,墙外有一群巨大的怪兽威胁着墙内人们的生命。墙内住着50位男孩,他们都被困在了绵延不绝的迷宫森林当中。一天,电梯为他们送来了一个女孩特雷莎,她是来到“林间空地”的第一个女孩。此后,迷宫逐渐开始发生变化,一切都陷入了混乱中,托马斯和特雷莎决定一起走上破解迷宫之路,找出迷宫背后令人不寒而栗的秘密。
㈢ 移动迷宫里灾难总部的英文词
Disaster headquarters in the mobile maze
㈣ 英语阅读《移动迷宫》求翻译
《移动迷宫》根据james dashner的同名科幻小说改编。故事讲述的是关于一个年轻人,有一天他醒来除了记得自己叫托马斯,其他事都不记得。他在一个叫Glade的地方找回了自己。那是一个充满绿意的,有乡村风情的地方,那里也是其他十几岁孩子的家。他们为了生存承担着不同的工作,像托马斯一样,他们都被洗去了记忆。
23岁的演员Dylan o'brien扮演托马斯,他是美国连续剧Teen Woif中家喻户晓的演员,他说,他没想到会参与拍摄移动迷宫。但是,他接受POPSTRA.com采访时,说他很高兴演托马斯,他觉得他和托马斯很相像.
㈤ 移动迷宫英文简介100字
The Maze Runner is the first book in a young-alt post-apocalyptic science fiction trilogy ofthe same name by James Dashner.The novel was published October 2009 by Delacorte Press,an imprint of Random House and is being made into a 2014 major motion picture by 20thCentury Fox. The novel spawned two sequels: The Scorch Trials and The Death Cure.
㈥ 移动迷宫里那个什么末日什么研究所的英文名和缩写是什么
㈦ maze runner 移动迷宫 小说 中英文都可
㈧ 移动迷宫英语剧情简介
A teenage boy named Thomas wakes up in a vertically moving box with no memory of his past, other than his name. When the elevator (box) doors open, he is pulled into a glade - with few trees and a wide open plain surrounded by thin forests - by a group of teenage boys who also have no memories besides their name.
Thomas graally discovers that the Glade is run by two boys: Alby, the leader, and Newt, the second-in-charge, who both maintain order by enforcing strict rules. The elevator box surfaces the ground once every month to supply new food, sometimes weapons, and always a new boy. The Glade is surrounded squarely by a mile-high wall made of concrete. Outside the wall is the Maze, a labyrinth of high concrete walls covered in ivy. The Maze houses strange, lethal creatures known as Grievers. Grievers are described as monsters of metal and flesh. The Gladers are trying to stay alive as well as "solve" the Maze by running through it as fast as they can while tracking movements of the walls and trying to find an exit to escape. Every month the box is sent up with a new person called a "greenie" and every two weeks supplies are sent.
㈨ 英语阅读《移动迷宫》翻译
《移动迷宫》根据james dashner的同名科幻小说改编。故事讲述的是关于一个年轻人,有一天他醒来除了记得自己叫托马斯,其他事都不记得。他在一个叫Glade的地方找回了自己。那是一个充满绿意的,有乡村风情的地方,那里也是其他十几岁孩子的家。他们为了生存承担着不同的工作,像托马斯一样,他们都被洗去了记忆。
23岁的演员Dylan o'brien扮演托马斯,他是美国连续剧Teen Woif中家喻户晓的演员,他说,他没想到会参与拍摄移动迷宫。但是,他接受POPSTRA.com采访时,说他很高兴演托马斯,他觉得他和托马斯很相像.
㈩ 《移动迷宫》里 米诺的英文怎么拼写